By now it’s well-established that email monetization works to drive audience engagement and revenue for publishers. And, maybe you’ve already got a killer email program going, but you’re looking to take it up a notch to push profits even further.
The Power of Push
Browser-based desktop and mobile push notifications are already helping publishers create immediate, 1:1 interaction with subscribers. They not only offer instant alerts of news that is highly relevant for subscribers, but they can also be customized by subscribers for their frequency, content and alert style. This puts publishers in control of the distribution and timing and subscribers in charge of how and when they receive push alerts. It’s a win-win for both parties.
Because subscribers have opted in to receive notifications, they’re more likely to engage with the content that they’ve asked to receive. Consumers want to be in-the-know, and increasingly the first to know, about breaking news and trends. Push notifications eliminate their fear of missing out.

Fortunately, push notifications are also helping to offset some of the loss of audience and traffic created by social media algorithm changes that force publishers’ content off the newsfeed. Facebook, in particular, has made it increasingly difficult for publishers to get their content in front of followers. With new community standards for political content and advertising, publishers that rely on Facebook have been at the platform’s mercy, forced to justify and defend their content’s appropriateness.
Push Monetization Drives New Revenue
Monetizing push notifications provides publishers with a mostly untapped opportunity to engage audiences, satisfy advertisers and create a new revenue stream. By using highly personalized, custom-curated native ads to monetize push notifications, publishers gain a high-visibility channel that monetizes every single view, reaching virtually 100% of subscribers. Unlike web ads, which are only seen by website visitors, every push subscriber sees push ads for guaranteed saturation.
Because of their breaking-news urgency, push notifications command subscribers’ attention. Those views, when monetized through a push notification ad network generate over $5 RPM with 1.4% CTR, compared to just .05% CTR for display.
Push Ads – the Next Evolution of Email Monetization
In many ways, push notification monetization mimics the 1:1 interaction of email, but with a much more immediate connection. Unlike email, which is opened and viewed at the recipients’ leisure, push notifications deliver instant updates about important news, breaking stories and other opt-in features.
This not only makes them more enticing for subscribers to view, but it also generates a more immediate source of revenue. Ads are viewed and clicked instantly for faster ROI.
Multiple Push Monetization Opportunities
Push ads actually offer several opportunities for monetization.
First, there’s a straight-up sponsored push notification, featuring a brand sponsor’s name or logo within the actual alert. Second, push notifications can link subscribers directly to sponsored content, where the content itself offers valuable, relevant information to the subscriber. Finally, the page hosting that content can also include ad units, driving web-based monetization as well.
Relevancy Rules in Push Ads
Arguably the biggest factor in push notification monetization success is delivering curated, personalized content that’s relevant to the subscriber. After all, they’ve trusted you to send them notifications, so it’s a publisher’s duty to make it worth their while, otherwise risk losing them as a subscriber.
One of the best ways to ensure relevancy in push ad content is to leverage subscribers’ email address as a unique identifier and build a profile based on known characteristics and past click and engagement behavior.
Using email as the unique identifier is more effective and reliable than device targeting and web-based cookies. Why? Because devices and browsers are often shared among multiple users, particularly within the same family, which can throw off targeting. Certainly, mom, dad and the kids would all have widely varied interests!
But email addresses are very rarely shared, and in fact, are carefully guarded by users as a piece of private, personal data. Once they’ve shared that with a publisher, however, it becomes an extremely valuable piece of targeting data by which publishers can track behavior and give subscribers exactly what they want based on their known preferences.
Putting Push Ads to Work for You
Thinking of taking push monetization for a test drive? With our turn-key push notification monetization solution and push ads network, there’s no long-term commitment, and our automated ad fill via Jeeng means there’s no direct sales burden. We’ve partnered with many of the leading notifications platforms to give you simple start-up and reliable technology you can trust.
And the best part is, our consolidated metrics in the Jeeng dashboard give you real-time performance data so you can know what’s working, or what’s not, and make adjustments on the fly.
Push notification monetization is just one new channel we’re offering to give you the most innovative audience engagement and rev-gen opportunities. If Facebook has let you down, check out our new ebook “What’s Next After Facebook?” to explore alternative channels to help fill the social void.